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21 Sep 2014

Behind the names

Author: ferrelraejh | Filed under: Uncategorized

I have a few different nicknames, so I figured I would address the stories behind them as well as my name. Like I’ve said before, my name is Misu that’s “me-sue”.  My family, regretfully, had to have Gypsie’s biological brother Donut put to sleep the week before I was born. They tried to adopt a young cat from the shelter, but Mikki and Gypsie never got along… They tried for a month, but it just wasn’t meant to be. Meanwhile, my brothers and I were born to a young mother and they were adopted rather quickly due to some sudden popularity of all black cats. I on the other hand was reposted on Craig’s List and that is how my furever family found  me. My family wanted to honor Donut, so they wanted to name me after a dessert. At first it looked like I would end up with the name Bismarck after my human’s favorite pastry, but when they met me my mom thought I looked like coffee and cream which is where Tiramisu came to mind Then they shortened it to Misu because it was much easier to say and it sounded more exotic.

Misu The Kitty Apocalypse, Misu Apocalypse and Misu-pocalypse came about after I got myself into a bit of mischief when I first got home. I was a little bored with my new toys, so I looked around and found the perfect toy…. A brand new roll of toilet paper! I couldn’t believe my luck! I hopped up on the toilet and started batting away. I got the roll going so fast that my paws slipped right off and I fell on top of the plunger and toilet brush. The former got hooked on my leg and as I panicked I dragged the plunger clean across the bathroom pulling a bunch of the toilet paper with me. Dad had come running when he heard the crash and he stood in the doorway looking at me with a smirk on his face. Mom hollered from the other room to ask what happened and dad said, “We just had a kitty apocalypse happen in the bathroom!”


The lightening kitty stare

The lightening kitty stare


Lightening Kitty or LK for short is another nickname you might hear at our house from time to time. It’s origin is a relatively simple one. Part of the name comes from me being lightening quick and hard to catch, but mostly it’s because of my usual excited kitten expression…. The shocked look if you will. Daddy says it looks like I stuck my tail in an electrical outlet. So there you have it, my many names in a nutshell.

19 Sep 2014

Week One

Author: ferrelraejh | Filed under: Uncategorized

It’s been a week now since coming home after my amputation. I don’t really like talking about the surgery itself…. I went to sleep knowing what was gonna happen, but I awoke so disoriented ….  At first it just felt like my leg was asleep , kinda tingly. Then I got a good look and it wasn’t there! Before I could remember what happened I panicked and started crying for mom and dad, but my humans weren’t there. As I tried to piece everything together, one of the techs came over  and scratched me on the back of the neck. I tried to rub her, but they still had that silly cone thing around my neck…. God, it itches!!!

She whispered sweetly to me that I’ll be ok and that my human parents will be coming to get me soon. I wasn’t so sure, but she seemed so genuine that I was inclined to believe her. Sure enough, a few hours later, my dad came to get me.  I think he was shocked to see me like this. His eyes were shiny, his nose a little red and his voice sounded watery when he spoke… I think he was fighting to be strong for me. Then I knew, I just knew, my humans fought hard to bring me back home to my family.

The drive home was not a long one, home was only a few blocks away. When we got home I only got to see Gypsie briefly before being whisked away to the bathroom. I was disappointed because I hadn’t seen her in two days. I was told that I needed my rest so I would heal faster…. I am all for that! When I was brought into the bathroom I was really touched by the lengths my humans had gone to in order to make the space comfortable. I had a new bed, a couple toys…. Even a brand new litter box! When my mom realized the bed was a little too hard for me to get in and out of due to its height, she came back with a folded plush blanket. I have to get my food and water fed to me, but I don’t really mind that  much…. I know it means they love me!

If I lay in front of the door I can force them to stay longer.... Hehe

If I lay in front of the door I can force them to stay longer…. Hehe


You really want to know about love?  My first few days home, I’m embarrassed to say, I was so exhausted from getting up and into the litter box that I needed help staying upright so I could go…. Now that’s dedication!  I’m really lucky to  have this family.

It hasn’t been all catnip and rainbows though. I’ve been battling a little depression, but I try not to get too down. I just really miss having someone to cuddle up to throughout the day. Gypsie did sneak in to see me, but I think the cone and a missing leg were a bit overwhelming for her. Mom gives me this horrible tasting stuff for the pain and it gives me major munchies and cotton mouth so I stuff my face before I get too looped out…. Next thing I know, I’m seeing a Hawaiian man playing a ukulele singing about rainbows and lemon drops while I drift off to sleep. The meds aren’t all that tho. I’m really stiff because all I can do really is lay around and make the occasional trip to the litter box.


Feeling a little blue

Feeling a little blue


My incision is no longer that sore and I’m able to stretch more and roll onto my back for belly rubs…. Those are just pure bliss! I’m trying to taper off my pain meds and see how it goes… The sooner the better cause that stuff tastes absolutely vile. Well, two weeks left til my stitches come out and I can bury that ridiculous cone in the litter box, woohoo…. Can’t wait! I’m getting quite sleepy so I’m gonna curl up for the night…. Purr at you later tripawds and friends.


Starting to feel much better

Starting to feel much better




18 Sep 2014

The Vet Journey

Author: ferrelraejh | Filed under: Uncategorized

So I was waiting in the carrier to be brought to an after hours pet hospital, but it seemed like it was taking forever. Gypsie was looking in on me, but I couldn’t understand her… I was a bit delirious from my whole ordeal. There was a lot of talking and noise… It looked like my humans were throwing the box spring and the bed frame out on the curb and I remember them saying some choice words as they threw the box spring to the curb. “Yeah you tell ’em!”,  I was thinking. Then I was being carried to the car…. Finally!

The first pet hospital we went to was over booked, but fortunately they were able to give me something for the pain before we left. I don’t remember much else, I was floating on pink clouds while we drove to the next place. I roused a bit when I heard my mom talking to the desk lady… They were refusing to do anything to help me until my humans had the money in their account. I got really scared because Gypsie told me about what happened to her brother Donut… They didn’t have the money for his life saving surgery so he was put to sleep.  …Oh God was that going to be me?!?

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard my human say that they would have money later that day…. Something called student loans. It didn’t matter to the desk lady… She told my mom to take me to my regular vet in the morning and that the pain meds the other location gave me would hold me over til then…. She didn’t sound very convincing.

We returned home and I tried to sleep in the carrier as best as I could. Finally I was being carried out to the car again and luckily the vet was close because I was getting really sore.

Me before my surgery

Me before my surgery


The tech and vet were really kind and they were moved to help me in any way possible. I was admitted, given more pain meds and an examination… That was all they could do until the funds were in. I didn’t have to wait too long before my dad called in and paid for x-rays. Initially the x-rays were bad, but promising…  I had broken all four metacarpals, but They would just need to splint my leg.

My pink splint

My pink splint


They gave me a sedative and took more x-rays…. I was a little too wound up and feeling waaaaay to good to keep holding still for the scans so they didn’t get all the views they needed. After the new scans came in, the prognosis was not so good. I had another break in my ankle, my joint was destroyed and the tendons were badly injured. The surgeon was not sure he could fix it…. Then I heard words that made my heart sink. Amputation… They were considering amputation!?! Would they even want me if I were to be incomplete? Again I got scared. What if they didn’t think I could handle being an amputee? I could hear them over the phone and I knew the decision was a hard one. They went with amputation because the recovery time was shorter and there was no guarantee that surgery would save the leg. I was upset at first, but overjoyed that they still wanted me even if I was minus a leg.

The wonderful ladies that took care of me at Life Care Animal Hospital

The wonderful ladies that took care of me at Life Care Animal Hospital

The surgery was scheduled for the next day.  I was fitted with a splint and the sweet ladies at Life Care Animal Hospital made me comfortable. My human parents even came to visit me the next morning before surgery to reassure me. Thus begins my new journey as a tri-pawed kitty.

18 Sep 2014

The accident

Author: ferrelraejh | Filed under: Uncategorized



my name is Misu. That’s short for tiramisu. I’m a black and orange tortie and have only been pouncing and purring for 8 months. I’m only a kitten and last Wednesday my life was side swiped by a horrible accident. I was romping and playing with my new kitty sister Gypsie…. She’s a three year old gray tortie.


My hidyhole

My hidyhole


Anyways, we found our way into the box spring while our humans were asleep and we started wrestling. Suddenly my foot got stuck and I was falling…. Something snapped and I started screaming. Gypsie tried to help but I screamed at her to stay away, that something had me and if she got too close it would get her too. The pain was excruciating and the more I tried to get free, the more it hurt. My humans were up fast and shouting and then I saw concerned eyes looking at me. I screamed and hissed to warn her. She tossed a blanket over me and tried to lift me free but I still couldn’t get loose. I heard some strange noises and a crash and suddenly there was a little less tension on my leg. I heard some ripping noises and suddenly I saw one of my humans looking at me from the top of the box spring and I saw that no creature had me, but my foot was wrapped over a spring…. Oh god I couldn’t look. She looked wild-eyed frantic and was crying…. I thought that it was hopeless.


My first day in my furever home

My first day in my furever home


She disappeared and returned quickly with a saw and started working on sawing through the springs. One went pretty quickly but the other was taking forever but I felt it getting looser. I couldn’t wait any longer…. I bit down on an empty ice cream container that had gotten lost under the bed and I pulled with all my might. God it hurt so bad I almost fainted but I was free, I was free! I bolted to the side of the room carrying the container with me…. I was afraid the box spring would reach out and grab me back…. Irrational I know, but I was in a state of  panic. She came to me with the carrier and said, “you’ll be safe in here”. I dropped the ice cream container and went inside dragging my leg behind me. It was over, but it was only just the beginning.


Chilling with my sister Gypsie

Chilling with my sister Gypsie