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18 Sep 2014

The accident

Author: ferrelraejh | Filed under: Uncategorized



my name is Misu. That’s short for tiramisu. I’m a black and orange tortie and have only been pouncing and purring for 8 months. I’m only a kitten and last Wednesday my life was side swiped by a horrible accident. I was romping and playing with my new kitty sister Gypsie…. She’s a three year old gray tortie.


My hidyhole

My hidyhole


Anyways, we found our way into the box spring while our humans were asleep and we started wrestling. Suddenly my foot got stuck and I was falling…. Something snapped and I started screaming. Gypsie tried to help but I screamed at her to stay away, that something had me and if she got too close it would get her too. The pain was excruciating and the more I tried to get free, the more it hurt. My humans were up fast and shouting and then I saw concerned eyes looking at me. I screamed and hissed to warn her. She tossed a blanket over me and tried to lift me free but I still couldn’t get loose. I heard some strange noises and a crash and suddenly there was a little less tension on my leg. I heard some ripping noises and suddenly I saw one of my humans looking at me from the top of the box spring and I saw that no creature had me, but my foot was wrapped over a spring…. Oh god I couldn’t look. She looked wild-eyed frantic and was crying…. I thought that it was hopeless.


My first day in my furever home

My first day in my furever home


She disappeared and returned quickly with a saw and started working on sawing through the springs. One went pretty quickly but the other was taking forever but I felt it getting looser. I couldn’t wait any longer…. I bit down on an empty ice cream container that had gotten lost under the bed and I pulled with all my might. God it hurt so bad I almost fainted but I was free, I was free! I bolted to the side of the room carrying the container with me…. I was afraid the box spring would reach out and grab me back…. Irrational I know, but I was in a state of  panic. She came to me with the carrier and said, “you’ll be safe in here”. I dropped the ice cream container and went inside dragging my leg behind me. It was over, but it was only just the beginning.


Chilling with my sister Gypsie

Chilling with my sister Gypsie

One Response to “The accident”

  1. jerry Says:

    Woooooaaaah! Misu I’m just now catching up on your story, I can’t believe how awful that was!!! EEEEK!

    On to your next post. Oh thanks for explaining what your name means, I love it!

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