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19 Sep 2014

Week One

Author: ferrelraejh | Filed under: Uncategorized

It’s been a week now since coming home after my amputation. I don’t really like talking about the surgery itself…. I went to sleep knowing what was gonna happen, but I awoke so disoriented ….  At first it just felt like my leg was asleep , kinda tingly. Then I got a good look and it wasn’t there! Before I could remember what happened I panicked and started crying for mom and dad, but my humans weren’t there. As I tried to piece everything together, one of the techs came over  and scratched me on the back of the neck. I tried to rub her, but they still had that silly cone thing around my neck…. God, it itches!!!

She whispered sweetly to me that I’ll be ok and that my human parents will be coming to get me soon. I wasn’t so sure, but she seemed so genuine that I was inclined to believe her. Sure enough, a few hours later, my dad came to get me.  I think he was shocked to see me like this. His eyes were shiny, his nose a little red and his voice sounded watery when he spoke… I think he was fighting to be strong for me. Then I knew, I just knew, my humans fought hard to bring me back home to my family.

The drive home was not a long one, home was only a few blocks away. When we got home I only got to see Gypsie briefly before being whisked away to the bathroom. I was disappointed because I hadn’t seen her in two days. I was told that I needed my rest so I would heal faster…. I am all for that! When I was brought into the bathroom I was really touched by the lengths my humans had gone to in order to make the space comfortable. I had a new bed, a couple toys…. Even a brand new litter box! When my mom realized the bed was a little too hard for me to get in and out of due to its height, she came back with a folded plush blanket. I have to get my food and water fed to me, but I don’t really mind that  much…. I know it means they love me!

If I lay in front of the door I can force them to stay longer.... Hehe

If I lay in front of the door I can force them to stay longer…. Hehe


You really want to know about love?  My first few days home, I’m embarrassed to say, I was so exhausted from getting up and into the litter box that I needed help staying upright so I could go…. Now that’s dedication!  I’m really lucky to  have this family.

It hasn’t been all catnip and rainbows though. I’ve been battling a little depression, but I try not to get too down. I just really miss having someone to cuddle up to throughout the day. Gypsie did sneak in to see me, but I think the cone and a missing leg were a bit overwhelming for her. Mom gives me this horrible tasting stuff for the pain and it gives me major munchies and cotton mouth so I stuff my face before I get too looped out…. Next thing I know, I’m seeing a Hawaiian man playing a ukulele singing about rainbows and lemon drops while I drift off to sleep. The meds aren’t all that tho. I’m really stiff because all I can do really is lay around and make the occasional trip to the litter box.


Feeling a little blue

Feeling a little blue


My incision is no longer that sore and I’m able to stretch more and roll onto my back for belly rubs…. Those are just pure bliss! I’m trying to taper off my pain meds and see how it goes… The sooner the better cause that stuff tastes absolutely vile. Well, two weeks left til my stitches come out and I can bury that ridiculous cone in the litter box, woohoo…. Can’t wait! I’m getting quite sleepy so I’m gonna curl up for the night…. Purr at you later tripawds and friends.


Starting to feel much better

Starting to feel much better




2 Responses to “Week One”

  1. jerry Says:

    Oh you sweet sweet Misu! Look at how amazing and strong you are! Yes sweet kitty, you are LOVED by your people and now all of us at Tripawds too. We can’t thank you enough for joining and sharing so many details about your ordeal. I know it’s hard to do but you are helping someone some day later down the line who will look at your story and be amazed and full of hope for their own kitty.

    Keep on keeping on!

  2. sebastian Says:

    Hi Misu! What an ordeal you have been through. It sounds like your parents are taking excellent care for you. You’ll be back to your antics and cuddling with Gypsie in no time!

    Jenn and Sebastian

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